What to Do If You’ve Been Left Out of a Will

Discovering that you’ve been left out of a loved one’s will can be an incredibly distressing experience. If you were expecting to inherit or believe you’ve been unfairly provided for, you may have legal options. In Queensland, there are specific ways to challenge a will, and understanding the process can help you determine your next […]
Birdnesting During Separation

Can it work? Separation is a challenging time for families, particularly when children are involved. One co-parenting approach that some families consider is ‘birdnesting’—a unique arrangement designed to minimise disruption for the children. But is it a viable long-term solution? In this article, we’ll explore what birdnesting is, how it works, and what separating couples […]
The 50/50 Myth in Family Law: What You Need to Know

When a relationship breaks down, one of the biggest misconceptions people have is that assets will simply be split 50/50. Many separating couples assume that because their marriage or de facto relationship was a partnership, everything they own must be divided equally. However, under Australian family law, this isn’t always the case. At Ryder Lawyers, […]
Parenting Plans in Australia

Parenting after a separation or divorce can be a challenging journey, with emotions running high and the need for clear guidelines paramount. In Australia, co-parents can choose to manage their post-separation parenting arrangements through Parenting Plans. These plans can be a crucial tool for ensuring the well-being of the children involved. In this article, we […]